District Activity Pictures!
Word of the week is "morididas" ... I will save you the trouble of putting "mordidas" in Google Translate. It means "bites"... now it is story time.
Tuesday, my companion was not feeling very well. He has had a lot of problems with the food and how it affects his health. But he still was hungry, so he got ready and we went to lunch. The member we went to eat with that day, we had never gone with before, so it was a new street we had never walked. We were walking, approaching the house of the hermana. My companion was walking on my right side, and a little bit behind me. On the right side of the street, there was a little gate open, I passed, and my companion was passing.. And that is when a big dog came running and barking.. Fast. It jumped at my companion, but from what I saw, I thought he just pushed it away and it went running. But when my companion turned towards me, I saw that his shirt was ripped, and blood.
We called the mission president, and he told us to go to a nearby hospital. We were there for a bit. It wasn't that serious. Basically, the hospital just cleaned it up, it did not need any stitching. But now, I can report that my companion is doing fine! But his hate for dogs... a bit more extreme. I told him that is why the dog bit him. That makes him even madder. Hehehe.
***Between Brothers***
10162016 #87
Dear Landon, I don't have my license yet, but I think I should get it by the end of this month. I still have two more roads to do. On my last roads, he made me drive through really heavy construction in rush hour! It took like 20 minutes to travel 100 meters! My Driver's Ed teacher said for early morning kids that we only have till miercoles and then we're done! The quarter gets out next week lqtm. Today, Dad smoked prime rib and brisket. It was so good, but Cal was at work hehe. We only have three days of school this week! On Tuesday, I have to write three essays in Language Arts on To Kill A Mockingbird :/ I'm not sure if I'll get a 4.0 this quarter because Physics is trash! It's way hard. Maga is over right now and she said that Princess had kittens today again! Five kittens... AGAIN! That's kinda funny. So yeah... Wuv, Keat
Dear Landon, next week is the end of the quarter, and this week is fall break, so we all are going to get some resting days in the next two weeks (which I really need). But the only bad thing is that my favorite teacher is a CACR Teacher, which means that I only have him for only one quarter only. I have been saying this a lot since the school year started, "Why is Mr. Mineer my favorite teacher!?!?" And my next CACR teacher is Ms. Wilson, and I have heard that she does a lot of artsy things, but I hate my art class enough! So that makes me really mad that I have to leave Mr. Mineer's class. In Gym, we are now starting up Soccer. Ohhhh, I hate this sport soooooo much! I don't care about winning (we're 0-3, TEE-HEE), it is just something about it that is really competitive, and I get hurt a lot while playing. Since we are playing at like 7:50 A.M., the grass has frosty tips, making it very easy to slide. And within the first 3 games, I have slipped and hurt myself around 5 to 6 times, yet in Football, I ran so much more, I never slipped! It will be a long two weeks... Anyway, outside of school, I have had an interest of playing Tennis. Finally, mom took us to West Jordan Park so we can play a quick game (and to get a lot of PokeStops). I did pretty good in my first times playing, and I am definitely interested in playing again. And that is basically it for this week... Love, Cooper
Oh yeah, and Princess and 5 kittens.
Dear Landon, I had some crazy basketball games this week. First of all, I had three and a half! In the first, we didn't do so good. But in the second, I hit a buzzer from deep three and it was crazy! We did end up losing that game though. So we headed up to Lehi and I found out that the team we were supposed to be playing forfeit so we got to scrimmage against 7th graders! I did really good assisting in that game. So for our last one, we played the eighth best sixth grade AAU team in the country and their two coaches were NBA players! So our coach wasn't expecting us to win that game, but do our hardest. And we did. We only lost by about 20 points. I don't have mostly anything else to write about except that Princess has has 5 more little kitties!! So anyway, love you dude! CollBolt
- Dear Keaton: Hahah I remember I barely did anything for Driver's Ed.. And when I took the final test, you have to park along the street, by the curb. When I did it, I remember that the back end of the car was way out towards the street.. I thought that killed me. But the teacher was a softy.. And I passed. Just seeing that word me da nausea.. (I wrote that it spanish, because I cannot remember how to spell it..) ESSAY. Three of them? That is unfair. But if you are doing your best, what more can you ask for? Wow.. Maga is getting Princess in the game..
- Dear Cooper: Ahhhh, Mr. Mineer.. I wonder if he remembers me.. I did some interesting things while in his class.. Like starting a water war... (He was not happy about that..) I would not be that excited for arts class either.. but it is necessary. Hahah soccer, I am actually getting into it. I will not say that I am GOOD, because that would be a lie. But at least it is enjoyable. Tennis? I can't see me into that. Table tennis, yes! I played for the first time in quite a while last Monday. I have lost a lot of my skills.. But I will have to practice when I get home, to beat CooperMan
- Dear Colton: Wow.. Sounds pretty intense for your basketball. Don't those other teams not want to draft you? Hahah.. Keep playing hard, and enjoy it. Because Mom pays a lot! Just remember.. Haha