I have to apologize again for it being so long since I last wrote.. I think the last general email was at the beginning of the change... And now here we are at the last week of the change..
Almecatla is sure different than Forjadores. We have had a lot more encounters with borrachos (drunks) this week.. When it is one borracho by himself, it isn't a problem. We will have a little talk, hoping that they will remember something the next day. Other times, there are groups of borrachos. That is a bit scarier. A group caught up with us. So there we were, surrounded by 7 or so of them, none walking or talking straight. Luckily, nothing happened. We just told them we had to go, and one told us "Okay, go save the world." Haha I thought that was funny.
Well, the best day of the week was Saturday for sure. We had 3 lessons (which is a miracle for us), one with a recent convert and her grandma, who is less active. It was pretty good, because we talked to the grandma why she hasn't come to church in a while, and she said she has to work on Sunday. So we talked about keeping the Sabbath day holy. And at the end, she told us that she would come tomorrow. Boo-yah. (Because they both did!)
Then we had the lesson after lunch who fed us. It was good to talk with them, because the day before we had a little activity to teach the members of the ward to street contact. So they told us how they already put the training into practice! And told us that they found someone who is interested. Awesome!
Finally, we had a lesson with a new investigator. To start the visit, he told us a little history of himself. How he started smoking marijuana at age 13 (and now he is 19), about the effect of his parents' divorce, and a lot of other stuff a 19 year-old shouldn't experience. Then he told us about a friend of his, who invited him to church (an Adventist church), and basically saved his life. (So the short history of how he found us, is that his mom was one of our investigators, and then he came of Veracruz, from living with his dad, then came to Puebla to live with his mom. Then his mom mention us to him.) We just had a basic first visit, telling him if he wants to improve his life, following the teaching of Christ, will help him more than anything. We invited him to church, he said he would like to come, but we didn't see him.. Oh well, no one is perfect.
Haha probably by now, while reading, you have forgot about the subject of the letter.. "gatito en la reunion sacramental.." Hahahaha.. basically what happened was, Sunday morning, we went to go find the guy who I just talked about, and while walking, we heard "Meow! Meow! Meow!" from around the corner. We came around the corner, then came the little kitten running across the street towards us. Easily one of the most adorable things I have seen, EVER. (I'm such a sucker for kittens and puppies.. Any that is a baby basically.) So we kept walking, while the little kitten followed. The sad thing was, in the night and early morning, in Puebla, it is pretty cold! And this kitten was wet.. and shivering. So I flipped my backpack around to the front, opened the main pocket, and put the little kitten inside. (If you are thinking
please, let me finish) I still had the pocket open, and I was making sure he was alright the whole time. At first, we didn't like it, but then realized it is warmer inside. Shortly, it went to sleep.
The problem was then, was the fact that we had arrived at the church.. So we just tried to leave it outside of the church. But.. as it followed us in the street, it wanted to follow us into church. The worst part was, during the sacrament (the kitten is outside) and it was very obvious that it was still outside, because it was meowing.. A LOT. Haha I felt pretty bad to disturb the reverence of the sacrament. A bit later, it stopped meowing, so we figured it left. Then after church, we went looking for the little kitten. We worried a lot, because the streets by the church have a lot of big, hungry dogs.. (
is appropriate to think at this point..) But while walking back home, we heard the very loud and distinct meow of the kitten. We rejoiced. Then we figured it would be best to return it to where we found it. I am guessing that the little kitten was happy to be back home, because it finally stopped meowing. Haha.
A couple pictures from the week ...
In our super soccer shirts!
A whole box of Krispie Kreme!
Well, that is about it for this week. Thanks for tuning in!
Les amo!
*** Step Stats ***
Monday, August 31 ... 13521
Tuesday, September 1 ... 15344
Wednesday, September 2 ... 20922
Thursday, September 3 ... 9819
Friday, September 4 ... 15278
Saturday, September 5 ... 13184
Even with school in session, the boys have still been getting good steps (although ... where is Keaton? He just missed being in the top 10, coming in in the eleventh spot.). Fun to see all the family steps there, although Kim did mention she may have received some extra steps while wearing her ONE in the wristband while waiting for a repair on the clip. ;) Great to see Grandpa Westra back in the top 10! He and some of the brothers (Shane, Scott and Chris) even did a hike this past Friday night.
*** Between Brothers ***
Dear Landon, Happy early birthday to you and Oreo! (Were celebrating Oreo's birthday on the same day as yours if you didn't already know.) this week wasn't that much stuff, but it stilled had some. I went to basketball tryouts a few days ago, for the Copper Hills Super League team. I thought I would've made, but there were not enough players to make a team! The one thing that was weird though, I liked it. I had fun. We played, scrimmage, tornado and king of the court. Me and Keaton have started play MW3 again. The gun I'm using is the UMP45, and the gun that Keaton is using is, PP90M1. Also on MW3 we prestiged. So were working on getting our guns gold. We went to Tepanyaki. I had steak and white rice. The guy who cooked our food was really funny. And when he threw the shrimp in the air I caught it in my mouth. I had to get another numb cheek at the dentist. For some reason this numb cheek hurt more. That's it for this week. Wait, almost forgot, we got Krispie Kreme's, AGAIN! Love ya. Love, Colt
Dear Landon, this week was basically the first week of school. We are practicing what we are going to do every week of school, and I actually have to learn new things. And dad got mom a new car, a Dodge Durango. We got rid of the avalanche, and Callahan is now riding the Suburban. We got two new ducks! We got them from bishop Peterson's house, and they are full grown. They are both boys, one is a mallard, and the other is plain white. Oreo and Joy are still not getting along. Every time we let them by each other, they will tackle one another. Hopefully they'll get along soon, I don't like seeing them fighting. Speaking of Oreo and you, Happy early Birthday! It is weird that tomorrow you are going to be twenty, and Oreo is going to be one. And me and Colton are watching a show called The Middle. It is really funny, and a couple days ago, we already finished the second season of it. Yesterday, dad got even more Krispy Kreme's, and it is already gone. Love, Cooper
Dear Landon, my birthday was pretty fun. Almost everyone at school knew (which I didn't want them to because then they would sing HAPPY BIRTHDAY to me in every class, which they did). I got all these cool shirts, cargo shorts, and my favorite fruit snacks: Smiley Face! I also got a Tepanyaki dinner, but Callahan couldn't go because he was working. Lol. I tried the trombo thing and it is sooooooooo hard. I looked up a bunch of tutorials and tricks and stuff, but I just couldn't do it. Thanks for the present, though. I'll keep trying. School is easy so far... except Biology. I've already had three assignments and one project! I do have a lot of friends in it, though. The basketball clinics for CH have started and they're pretty fun. I get to play the sophomores with Tyler and James on my team. It's good practice because us three are going to be the only good players at West Hills this year. So yeah... stuff is going good so far. Wuv, Keaton
Dear Landon, so as school early morning seminary and work continue I'm getting more used to the fact that if I don't have basketball and work I have to do homework and not spend time with friends or Amanda. I don't have too much time to do homework because of basketball and work. I got another raise to $7.60, higher than any other kid that works at KFC. I also am now, a "Key Employee" which means that I can have 28 hours or more unlike my friends. So now I have from 25-30 hours a week, just depending on the week. My grades aren't suffering yet, but it is only the 2nd week of school. I got called into work the one day I had off at the end of the week and of course I said yes being the nice and great worker I am, which gave me less time for homework but got me the raise. I also am going to go to "Crew Classes" which will make me a "Crew Leader" at KFC which means I can pretty much tell any of the "Team Members"what to do as long as it is helping us. All the workers at KFC are pretty close, especially the Drive-Thru workers because we are faster workers and spend more time together because we work more. We did get a new car, which you guessed it, the 2015 Dodge Durango. It is really nice. So I drive the Burb now and mom has the Durango. Dad had me drive the Durango and Tundra a bit just in case they need to take the Burb for something and I'll still have a car to take to work or something like that. That's all that happened to me this week. And to answer your question, Orlando was originally $1900, which I have $1800, but I heard the price got dropped to $1500-$1600 ish. So now, the money I have is just money on hand and saving for a mission and college. I also have 3 honors classes and an AP class, so hopefully school and work won't overwhelm me. Love you bro, you are missing out on worker Callahan, instead of spoiled basketball Callahan, even though I am still very much spoiled. Love you.
- Dear Colton: Thanks mi hermano! Haha and yes, Mom did tell me that you all are celebrating Oreo's birthday today too. Haha ah, what a bummer, not enough kids to make a basketball team? Since when does that happen?! Well, being you, you deserve to play with better kids, so that you aren't always trashing them on the court.. Ha! MW3 huh? I heard that there is a new trailer for Black Ops 3? Oh jeez.. Tepanyaki is so awesome. Especially for their cooks, they are always so funny. And make the food so delicious too! Haha I remember Mom would tell me that I need to brush my teeth so that I don't need to get "pinchies" from the dentist. So brush your teeth better, that you don't need pinchies!
- Dear Cooper: ... "and I actually have to learn new things." Hahaha well of course, Cooper Man. Did you know that I totally guessed that Dad would get the Durango? Because I did! Two new ducks? For what? You guys already got rid of Andi, and these ducks are already full grown? What will you do with them? Ah man... That is a bummer that Joy and Oreo still don't get along. Don't remind me that I am veinte.. I feel so old now. The Middle? Hmm heard of it, but have never seen it.
- Dear Keaton: I know how you feel.. Birthdays are awkward for me too.. It was actually really funny this morning. We received a call from President Nelson (president of the mission, and it is very rare to receive a personal call from the president of the mission), and we thought we were in trouble for something! But then he just told me Happy Birthday. Haha what a relief! Sounds like you got some good stuff. The trombos are really cool, keep on trying at it. I remember biology being the most boring class.. Mainly for the teacher I had, but the activities were fun. Cutting into a fish and frog. Sounds fun to practice basketball with the older guys, especially if you can beat them!
- Dear Callahan: Well it is good to stay busy. Time passes by really quickly when you are busy. Wow, a raise? That's pretty cool! Sounds like you are doing a good job at KFC. That is impressive! Keep that up! Ohhhhh man, I am soooo goooood. Totally guessed it (the Durango), from here in Mexico! Is it totally sick?! Oh yeah, have you driven the Tundra much since your license? Hahahaha you will learn to LOVE it. I sure do. Dang, you little saver! (I believe that is a quote from Monica in Friends..) Remember that the AP tests are almost $100 a piece...yikes! Haha don't worry, me too.
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